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August 31st/09 - Updates around the gym. Amazing job after the first night at nationals. Keep up the great work!!!
August 27th/09 - Please welcome Jessica Patterson to the JR elite team. Good luck at Nationals ladies!
August 6th/09 - Mayu you are now on the nationals roster, Abagail I am still working on getting you on it so keep training
I will be on holidays August 7th - 22nd so no updates will take place until then. Please keep training and check the NTC site for nationals info
The website will be moving soon as tripod is shutting down. Our new address will be
August 1st/09 - I have sent in a petition to have Mayu Xin and Abagail Spears added to the nationals roster. I will keep you posted as to what happens.
July 27th/09 - Updates around the gym
July 14th/09 - Updates around the gym
July 10th/09 - Updates around the gym
June 22nd/09 - Updates around the gym
June 21st/09 - Please welcome Gabby Quintana to the GSe team.
Please remember to sign your gymnast up for the national training camp if they have been invited to attend
May 28th/09 - Congratuations to all of the GSE girls for a job well done at the past Mass United Invite and New York International Invite
Sydney - 1st AA, 1st UB
Aluissa - 11th AA
Taylor - 3rd AA
Mayu - 6th AA
Abagail - 17th AA
Sydney - 4th UB
Cassandra - 1st FX
Mayu - 7th FX
May 19th/09 - Schedule updated, results updated
April 30th/09 - Please welcome Nadezhda Anastasiya Katchmodova to the Sr Elite team
April 23rd/09 - Please make sure you double check the SV max for your gymnast. Some of you are not using all of the SV you can have. Please check the NTC website for more info. Remember the higher the SV the better the scores. **Mayu please check your SV's as you are now SR and can have a higher SV max**
April 19th/09 - Monthly training max number has been changed
April 12th/09 - Happy Easter!
If you would like to compete in the Golden State Classic you must register yourself by emailing You can only compete in this competition if you have a national training % at or above 25%. You can check that here