Vault 1: Double twisting Yurchenko (9.8)
Vault 2: Front handspring, front pike 1/2 (9.6)
Vault 2: Front handspring, front pike 1/2 (9.6)
Kip, cast handstand, underswing to handstand 1/1, stalder shoot to high bar; kip, cast handstand, stalder 1/1, giant 1 1/2, giant 1/1, Tkatchev, Pak Salto; kip, cast handstand 1/2, underswing shoot to high bar; kip, cast to handstand, giant, giant, full-twisting double back (9.9)
Standing Arabian; full turn; front aerial, flip flop, layout stepout; punch front, sheep jump; switch leap, back tuck; roundoff, flip flop, Arabian double front dismount (10.0)
Popa, tuck jump double; round off, flip flop, tucked full-in back out; round off, flip flop, Arabian double front; switch leap, tour jete 1/1; round off, flip flop, 2 1/2 twists, front layout; 1 1/2 turn; cat leap double, cat leap 3/2; round off, flip flop, double pike (10.0)
Floor music: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy's "Mr. Pinstripe Suit"
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Name: Isabelle Morgan
Birthdate: July 10th, 1994
Home Town: Houston, Texas
Event Ranks: FX/BB/VT/UB
Isabelle(Belle) was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She began gymnastics at the young age of three, following her two older sisters, Catheryn and Samantha. She loved it right away and progressed rapidly, reaching elite status at age 12. In her free time, Belle enjoys reading, writing, and photography. She is also an avid birdwatcher.