Vault 1: 1 ½ Twisting Yurchenko
Vault 2: FHS Front Pike 1/1

Beam: Press to handstand; split leap; front handspring step-out; W-leap 180; front handspring w/ ½ twist; double back handspring step-outs; split leap; sheep jump; front walkover; sheep jump; front handspring; back handspring; back flip; pivot turn; back handspring; back handspring w/ ½ twist; front handspring; double front dismount

Bars: Glide kip; cast to handstand; stalder shoot to high bar; kip + cast to handstand; Geinger; cast to handstand; overshoot to low bar; cast to handstand; tap swing + fly to high bar; Tkatchev + cast to handstand; change of direction tap swing + somersault to low bar; giant circle; kip + cast to handstand; change of direction tap swing + somersault fly to high bar; cast to handstand; double flyaway dismount

Floor: roundoff + back handspring + triple back somersault;  roundoff  + back handspring +  back layout;  switch ring leap + tour jete + switch split leap; roundoff + double somersault; front handspring + front handspring w/ ½ twist + double back somersault; tour jete ring leap + tour jete ½; dance pose

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Name: Brianna Carter
Birthdate: October 14th, 1995
Home Town: Houston, Texas
Event Ranks:FX/VT/BB/UB
2009-2010 Goals: To do my personal best, and know that I gave it my all, no matter where I place
Brie was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She was always active and hyper, and broke a lot of things. When her daughter learned to do a back flip by flipping off the living room couch, Brie's mom realized she needed to sign Brie up for gymnastics. Starting out with a twice a week class, Brie thrived. She soon moved up to three times a week, then four. By age ten, she was a junior elite gymnast. When she was eleven, Brie had to have surgery to remove bone chips from her left knee after it seized up during a floor routine. As soon as she was cleared for practice, Brie was back in the gym. She regained most of her skills successfully, after coming back from a severe growth spurt as well as her surgery. Brie is definitely one to watch in coming years, as she just might be the next world floor champion.