#1 = Yurchenko tucked 2/1 (9.60)
#2 = Front handspring front layout (9.60)
kip, cast to handstand, free hip to handstand, sole circle, jump to HB, kip, cast to handstand 1 1/2,, front giant, healy, front giant 1/2, giant 1/1, geinger, over shoot to handstand 1/1, stalder 1/1, kip, cast to handstand, toe on shoot to HB, kip, cast to handstand, giant 1 1/2 to L-grip, double front dismount (9.7)
front aerial to side sit on beam to 3/4 turn on 1 leg in seated position + split stag handstand + step out holding arabesque position + full twisting tuck jump + 1 armed back handspring + back handspring + layout + switch leap + shushunova 1/4 + fromt aerial + rulfova + full twisting worf jupm + full turn + switch ring leap + round off + double pike dismount (10.0)
round off + back handspring + triple full, dance, round off + back handspring + double pike full in, wolf jump 2/1, dance, round off + back handspring + 2 1/2 twist + punch front layout, double turn, switch leap + switch ring leap + tuck jump 2/1, dance, round off + back handspring + double layout (9.60)
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Name: Viktoria Siandra Rety
Birthdate: July 29th, 1987
Home Town: Odessa, Ukraine
Favorite Event: Beam
Least Favorite Event: Vault
Goals: To place top 10 at the US Championships
Viktoria has been one of the most energetic gymnasts at Gym Stars. No matter how hard she has trained the day before she always comes into the gym full of energy and drive. Behind all of this there is a graceful gymnast. Vitoria spends lots of time perfecting her dance and leaps in both her floor and beam routine. She would spend all day on beam if her coach let her. On the internationl scene Viktoria has been making her mark. She has placed very well in the few meets she has entered. In the future this girl may just be the next olympics champion on beam.