Vault: (9.4)
Bars: (9.6)
Beam: (9.6)
Floor: (9.8)

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Name: Cassandra Howell
Birthdate: March 1st, 1997
Home Town: Los Angeles, CA
Event Ranks: FX/VT/UB/BB
2009-2010 Goals: *To qualify to classic meet, *Learn a new skill on each event.
I've been doing gymnastics since I was 3 yrs. old. I moved to Texas to train at GSE. My parents live back home in Los Angeles, CA. I came out here cuz I wanted to train here so after a few parents sent me out here to live with my grandma while training at GSE. I alway get my own way!! I'm the only child in my family & my parents call me their "little princess" cuz I get everything I want. I'm spoiled as they would say.