Vault 1: Yurchenko 2 and a 1/2 (10.0)
Vault 2: Front handspring double front (10.0)
Uneven bars:Hect vault to HB, kip, kip cast to handstand � turn, giant, healy, front giant full, front giant �, Geinger, overshoot to HS on LB, glide kip cast to handstand, sole circle jump to HB, kip cast to handstand, giant 1� (Kim), front giant, Double front � out dismount
Balance Beam:Roundoff-layout mount-bh-two feet layout-changements(sometimes); straddle jump � punch front-wolf jump; switch leap-sheep jump; BH-split leap; Roundoff-flipflop-triple twist dismount
Floor: ro-bh- double twisting double layout, ro-whip-double pike; wolf jump 1�-shushunova, run to double front, switch leap-switch leap full-double stag jump, ro-bh-triple twist
Lord of the Dance - Riverdance
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Name: Elisabeth Auerbach
Birthdate: May 11th, 1992
Home Town: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Event Rank:
Favorite Event: Floor Exercise
Least Favorite Event: Uneven Bars
Favorite food: Steamed Broccoli
Gymnastics Idol: Mary Lou Retton and Kim Zmeskal
Career after Gymnastics: Pediatrician
Bio: Born 3 weeks early on May 11, 1992, Elisabeth was nearly considered a gymnast right from the start as she was always on the move. Her parents enrolled her in Little Flippers Academy in Tulsa Oklahoma, where Elisabeth trained for many years, eventually reaching the Junior Elite level. She competed in many meets up until age 13, where she tore her ACL landing her vault wrong. She had to have ACL reconstructive surgery, which to many gymnasts would mean the end of a career. However, wihle Elisabeth was in recovery for her right knee surgery, she began to think about her gymnastics career. While she had competed in many meets as a junior elite, the gym she was attending was not getting her where she wanted to go. She went back briefly and tested into the Senior Elite level, then had a long talk with her parents. Gym Stars Elite seemed to be the perfect gym for her when she visited: Gymnasts worked hard, there were many members that were on the National team, and the atmosphere of seriousness seemed to fit Elisabeth personality. Her parents agreed, so Elisabeth transferred to Gym Stars Elite, hoping to get home competition experience, grow as a gymnast and a person, and train with the best in the country.