Name: Nikole Brie Sovici
Birthdate: May 2nd, 1992 = 14 years old
Home Town: Houston, Texas
Favorite Event: Bars
Least Favorite Event: Vault
Nikole started gymnastics when she was 5 years old. Her and Taylor both attended a local recreational club. Taylor began to excel in the sport and soon moved to Gym Stars. Nikole stayed behind and remained in recreational gymnastics. When she was 9 years old she quit gymnastics and tried out a few other sports. Nikole returned to the gym in 2001 and began to climb the levels. She is now a level 9 gymnast and has decided to move to Gym Stars Elite so she can achieve her goal of becoming an elite gymnast.
#1 = Handspring front pike
#2 = Tsukahara layout
Kip(A), cast handstand(B), soul circle to HB(A), back uprise(A), cast handstand 1/2(B), over shoot to LB(B), glide jam to HB(A), kip(A), free hip to handstand(C), layout 1/1 flyaway(B)
Music = Pirates of the Caribbean Mix