Name: Kimberly Lynn Render
Birthdate: March 16th, 1987
Home Town: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Favorite Event: Floor
Least Favorite Event: Beam
Goals: To make the Olympic Team
Addvice: Push yourself one step past the rest
 Kim was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba and grew up watching her sister do gymnastics. At the age of 5 Kim's parents decided to put her into recreational gymnastics. After the first 2 months she was tested and moved to a pre competitive groups of 5 - 7 year olds. Kim continued to advance and became regional and provincial champion when she turned 9. Last year Kim's coach moved away to another gym. Her training began to slip and things were just falling apart. Kim knew that if she was going to follow her dream she had to move to another gym. Jamie (kim's older sister) knew a few grisl who moved to Gym Stars elite and suggested that Kim go and check it out. Once Kim arrived here she knew it was the place for her!
Yurchenko double twist (9.80)
Tsukahara double twist (9.90)

piked jump to handstand 1/1,stalder 1/1, free hip hecht to HB , back uprise to handstand 1 1/2,  front giant full, front giant 1/2, tkatchev,  back uprise to handstand 1 1/2, pak salto, kip, cast to handstand 1/2, glide kip, toe on shoot to HB, kip, cast to handstand, giant hop full, kip, comaneci, kip, cast to handstand ,giant,higgins roll, front giant, double front dismount

press to handstand step out + layout + layout + switch ring leap + omelianchik + handstand reverse planche + front aerial + front aerial + korbut + full turn + switch side leap + straddle jump full + back handspring + layout + back handspring + double pike dismount

round off + whip + 2 1/2 twist + punch front, double turn, round off + back handspring + arabian double front, full twisting straddle jump + 1/2 shushunova, full twisting wolf jump + 1 1/2 twisting tuck jump, round off + back handspring + double pike, round off + tuck jump 1/2 + front handspring, round off + back handspring + triple twist