Vault: Yurchenko 1.5 twist
Uneven bars: kip, cast, handstand, sole circle full turn, kip, cast, toe shoot to high bar, kip, cast, giant full, Tkatchev, kip cast, toe on half turn, pak salto, kip cast half turn, sole circle stoop to high bar, kip cast, giant 3/2 immediate double front
Balance beam: straddle press to handstand, back hipcircle; backhandspring - layout - layout (series); full turn; switch leap to switch side leap; front aerial to sheep jump; side somi; switch ring leap; back handspring - back handspring - double back dismount 

Floor exercise: pike full in; whip to triple twist; double twisting cat leap; double turn, double twisting tuck jump; switch leap to switch side leap; double pike and 2.5 twist-punch layout front

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Name: Charlotte Randazzo
Birthdate: November 27th, 1995
Home Town: Oklahoma
Event Ranks: BB/FX/VT/UB
2008-2009 Goals: To represent the USA in International competition
Charlotte, or Char as she is called by her friends, is a Oklahoma native. She has two sisters who do ballet and a brother who ice skates. She loves gymnastics because it is really fun, and she likes challenging herself to do better. Her long term goals are to go to the Olympics in London in 2012.