#1 = RO 1/2 on, front tuck 1/2 off (Servente) = 9.5 SV
#2 = front handspring-1/2 to back tuck (Cuervo) (9.4 SV)
Mount: Straight jump to handstand 1/2 on LB (D) (+.1); Inner stalder through handstand with flight (aka "stalder Shaposhnikova") (D) (+.1); Giant with hop 1/1 (Chusovitina) (D) + Giant, release to back pike 1/2 (Gienger) (D) (+.3); Giant 1/2 (B) + Outer underswing on HB to release with 1/2 turn to catch LB (Overshoot or Bail) (B); Underswing to handstand 1/1 (D) (+.1); Clear Hip shoot (C); Underswing to Tkatchev or "Toe-on" Tkatchev (Ray) (D) (+.1); Kip (A) + Comaneci (E) (+.2); Giant (B) + Flyaway double layout (D) (+.1) SV: 9.8
Mount: Front pike from side to rear support (D) (+.1); Turn so one leg is on each side of beam + Valdez (A); Dance to end of beam; BH (B) + BH (B) + back layout 2 foot (D) (+.2); straddle jump (A) + wolf jump (B) + tuck jump 3/2 (Gratt) (D) (+.1); Front tuck (Grigoras) (D) (+.1); Dance to end of beam; 2/1 turn (D) (+.1); Dance; RO (A) + BH (B) + double back tuck dismount (D) (+.1) SV: 9.5
RO (A) + BH (A) + Back layout 2 1/2 (D) (+.1); Dance; FH (A) + front layout 2/1 (Tarasevich) (D) (+.2); triple turn (D) (+.1); Switch ring leap (C) + Tour jete with extra 1/1 turn (Gogean) (D) + Popa (C) (+.3); Dance; RO (A) + whip 1/1 (B) + double pike (D) (+.2); full twisting wolf jump (B) + Shushunova (B), RO (A) + Whip (A) + Double back layout (E) (+.3) Dance to final pose SV: 10.0
Floor Music = Shakira - La Tortura
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Name: Caitlin Reeves
Birthdate: February 2nd, 1994
Home Town: Boston, MA
Event Ranks: FX/UB/BB/VT
2008-2009 Goals: to get back into shape and improve
Cait hails from Boston, Massachusetts. She followed her older sister into gymnastics, and both were successful. Now that Michelle has retired, Caitlin is looking to come into her own success, no longer in her sisters shadow. She's bounced around a bit, starting years ago at Silver Dreams, where she really got going. She began her elite training in Manhattan, and then moved home for a while and slowed her training. She missed gymnastics, however, and is back and trying to be better than ever.