#1 = Yurchenko 1 1/2 tucked (9.40)
#2 = Handspring front pike (9.40)
kip, cast to handstand, free hip to handstand, sole circle, jump to HB, kip, cast to handstand 1 1/2,, front giant, healy, front giant 1/2, giant 1/1, geinger, over shoot to handstand 1/1, stalder 1/1, kip, cast to handstand, toe on shoot to HB, kip, cast to handstand, giant 1 1/2 to L-grip, double front dismount
front aerial to side sit on beam to 3/4 turn on 1 leg in seated position + split stag handstand + step out holding arabesque position + full twisting tuck jump + 1 armed back handspring + back handspring + layout + switch leap + shushunova 1/4 + front aerial + rulfova + full twisting wolf jump + full turn + switch ring leap + round off + double pike dismount (10.0)
round off + back handspring + triple full, dance, round off + back handspring + arabian double front, dance, wolf jump 2/1, dance, round off + back handspring + 2 1/2 twist + punch front layout, double turn, switch leap + switch ring leap + tuck jump 2/1, dance, round off + back handspring + double layout (9.80)