Name: Anna Bersovich
Birthdate: December 6th, 1992
Home Town: St Pertersberg, Russia
Favorite Event:
Least Favorite Event:
2006-2007 Goals:
1.) Qualify to 2006 Junior National Championships
2.) Earn a medal on the uneven bars
3.) Be able to upgrade routines by the end of '07
#1 = FHS-Front pike 1/2(9.6)
#2 = Layout Yurchenko 1/1(9.4)
Jump to HB; KCH 1/2- Stalder 1/1- Gienger(.3) KCH 1/1- Pak Salto (.2) KCH 1/2- free hip hecht; KCH-Eagle Grip Endo- Markelov(.3); KCH-Eagle Grip giant 1/2- Tucked full out(.2)(9.8)

Jump 1/1 mount- Jump with back arch crossways(.3) Kolesnikova(.1) 1 1/2 turn with leg in attitude (.1) Switch split leap- back tuck stepout (.1) Wolf hop- Aerial Cartwheel; FF- FF stepout- Gainer 2 1/2 twist (.2)(9.6)

Double turn with leg above horiztonal in attitude(.1); R/O FF Double tuck 1/2 out- Front tuck 1/1(.1) Switch ring leap-Switch side leap 3/4 to prone; 1/1 ring arebesque turn; R/O FF 1 1/2- front layout 1 1/2(.1) double turn; R/O FF 2 1/2 (.1); cat leap 1 1/2; FHS Front double full(.1)(9.4)