Name: Anastasia Bersovich
Birthdate: November 21st, 1991 = 15 years old
Home Town: St Petersberg, Russia
Favorite Event: Bars
Least Favorite Event: Vault
Anastasia Bersovich is a Jr elite gymnast. She began her career in Russia, but it was shot lived due to one of her dad's many job changes. She then came to GSE in June of 2005 with high hopes. She competed at her first Jr nationals, and she got onto the B-Team. She has shone on the bars, but has also had sucess on the floor. In January of 2006 she made a drastic change to NEVGA. The change didn't really work as Anastasia hed planned, and when her best friend's sister was hospitalized in Houston, she came to Houston as morale support and now plans to stay and train at GSE again.
#1 = R/O 1/2 on- Front tuck 1/2 = 9.5
#2 = Layout Tsukahara 1/1= 9.5
#1 = R/O 1/2 on- Front tuck 1/2 = 9.5
#2 = Layout Tsukahara 1/1= 9.5
Uneven Bars:
R/O FF to HS mount- Jam 1/1 to the high bar (.3) Kip, cast to handstand- Tkatchev (.1)- Swing to HS- Counter Kim (.2)- Swing 1/1 turn- Stoop through to clear pike support- Full circle swing continuing through clear pike support- clear under swing dislocate to hang on the low bar (.2) Kip cast to handstand 1/2- Stalder Shaposhnikova (.1)- Up rise to handstand- hop reverse grip- Front giant- Jam to clear pike support- Full circle swing forward continuing through rear support- dislocate to piked Jaegar (.3) Kip, cast to handstand- giant 1/2- giant- Triple Back dismount (.3) (10.0 SV)
Balance Beam:
Front aerial to rear support mount- push up to clear V support; drop to free lying position; turn to lie crossways, sit up- kick legs, roll to stand; step forward to front attitude- swing leg to back attitude- pivot 1/2 with leg up- Illusion turn 1/2; Mamba step forward- cha -cha step- fouette hop- back walkover; salsa step forward with arm waving up- wrist roll and step forward- cha-cha step forward- high kick- Illusion turn (.1); Mambo step forward- dramatic pose facing left- happy pose with smile facing right; Gainer layout step out- Mackie- Omelianchik (.5); 1/4 turn to stand; pop knee and flick left wrist out- 1/2 passé turn; tour jete 1/4- Yurchenko loop (.2); free roll onto stomach- cast up to kneel; 1/1 turn in knee scale- front walkover to stand; passé step forward- roll arms back- Cossack jump 1/2; Reverse Gainer layout 1/1 (.2) (9.8 SV)
Floor Exercise:
Pose w/ left arm up and left knee popped, roll arms back so right arm is up and throw head back, pivot half turn, mambo step forward- cha-cha forward- mambo step forward- cha-cha three step turn, Double turn w/ leg in scale (.1); half passé turn, throw arms and head back; Power hurdle- run to- R/O- FF- Double layout 1/1 twist out (.3) slide forward bringing right arm over head, prep into- pirouette- fouette- pirouette- fouette- double pirouette, Calypso step forward- Calypso step side ways, High kick- Illusion turn; fouette hop into corner; (along the white line) run to- FHS 1/1- Front tuck 1/1- Front layout 2/1 (.3) turn with circling arms, chasse into switch leap- tour jete 1/1- Tour jete 1/2 to splits (.2) Split roll to center- split roll to corner- swing leg around- roll back- neck kip to stand; pirouette- Meringue step to corner- Meringue step to side; kick ball change- chaine turn- kick ball change- Piqué turn, quarter pivot with arms swirling above head; FHS- Front layout 1 1/4- R/O- FF- Back layout 2 1/2 (.2) Run backwards- back extension roll to split handstand- roll out onto knees- knee hop to stand; Salsa step forward- turning Salsa step, wolf 1/2 Shushunova; roll onto back- butterfly kick to kneel; Throw arms out, throw left arm up, and right arm down for finishing pose;
(9.9 SV)
Music = Listen to Your Heart (Techno Remix)
Music = Listen to Your Heart (Techno Remix)