Name: Diana Blythe
Birthdate: September 14th, 1990
Home Town: New Haven, Connecticut
Favorite Event: Beam
Least Favorite Event: Vault
With grace, poise and artistry beyond her 4'10" stature Diana Blythe looks to go far as an elite gymnast. Growing up in Connecticut Diana began gymnastics at the tender age of eight after her ballet teacher recommended that she find yet another way to burn off her extra energy. Diana at the age of 14 made the difficult decision to give up her dreams of Juliard for elite gymnastics and hasn't looked back. After making it all the way to nationals last season Diana missed the teams by just six spots. However, this season with new skills, a positive attitude and the desire to prove herself Diana looks to be on her way.
#1 = Yurchenko back layout  (9.1) 
#2 = ½ on back layout  off. (9.1)
Hecht mount (B); kip (A), cast to handstand (A); Hindorf E (E=.2); kip, cast to handstand; stalder full (D), front giant full (C), Ono turn;  (E  (D+C+E=.5);1/2 turn to overshoot to handstand on LB (D), underswing to handstand (C) (D+C=.2), piked sole circle from handstand on LB to HB; kip, cast to handstand giant 1/2 double front dismount (D=.1) (9.80)
Jump to handstand 1/1turn lower to planche (D=.1) grapevine steps to near middle of beam  turning1/2    on toe to grab right leg bringing it up and over the head lower down to needle scale  switch leap jump ½turn  to front walk over (Onodi) (C+D=.2)  walk backwards on right foot dip left foot down along side of the beam wiggle shoulders then hips bringing right arm out in front of body and bending the elbow while slowly circling left arm around the head and allowing the fingers to briefly touch,     back handspring back tuck with a full twist (B+E=.3) series of forward sashay steps to near end of beam  front aerial   illusion 1/1  (D+D=.3) Yang Bo jump  (D=.1) pivoting high steps hitch kick side somi  (D=.1)  running round-off double tuck  (D=.1)  (10.0)
Round-off back handspring double pike (D=.1)  switch leap stag jump, tour jete to ring leap cat leap 2/1 (C+D=.2),  front tuck 1/1 step out-round-off whip 2 ½twist (C+D=.2) flying Yang Bo jump  double turn in Attitude, sashay steps to corner back  walkover to butterfly spin, front handspring  double front  (E=.2)  (9.5)
Music =  Nostalgia